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Adobe Flex — технология для создания Rich Internet Applications. Flex — это родственная Flash  технология, основанная на описании интерфейса приложения (и обработчиков событий, связи источников данных с объектами и т. п.) с помощью диалекта XML — MXML. Flex приложение может компилироваться на сервере (для этого потребуется mod_flex.so или mod_flex.dll в зависимости от ОС и вебсервера), а может — из IDE или непосредственно из командной строки с помощью компилятора mxmlc (начиная с Flex 2), как и во Flash, результатом является файл swf, исполняемый Flash Player.



название: Изучаем Flex 3. Руководство по разработке насыщенных интернет-приложений 
автор: Коул А. 
год выпуска: 2009 
формат: pdf
страниц: 384 
размер файла: 7.5  МВ
описание: Книга представляет собой введение в мир Adobe Flex и станет прекрасным пошаговым руководством для всех, кто хочет изучить эту технологию с "нуля". Издание охватывает все аспекты разработки Flex-приложений, начиная со знакомства с основными необходимыми инструментами и заканчивая распространением результатов работы. Кратко, не перегружая читателя излищней информацией, описаны базовые возможности ActionScript и MXML. Автор свой рассказ множеством примеров и предлагает сразу же применять полученные навыки на практике. Это позволяет уже с первых глав книги начать создание собственных насышенных интернет-приложений, которые по ходу чтения будут приобретать все более сложную структуру и интерактивность. Все упражнения и примеры можно скачать в веб-сайта книги и скопировать код в свои проекты, что поможет избежать досадных опечаток. Это издание-отличный выбор для тех, кто хочет легко и быстро научится создавать как настольные, так и веб-приложения на основе технолонии Flex. В архиве находится программный код, используемой в данной книге.
ссылка на скачивание: http://depositfiles.com/files/teq0q2h42



название: Flex 3. Сборник рецептов 
автор: Ноубл Дж., Андерсон Т. 
год выпуска: 2009 
формат: pdf
страниц: 736 
размер файла: 8.0  МВ
описание: Широкие возможности новых технологий лучше всего раскрываются на практических примерах. Именно такой подход используется в книге для представления технологии Abode Flex 3. Рассчитанная на широкий круг читателей и весьма практичная книга "Flex 3. Сборник рецептов" содержит более 300 решений, используемых при построении RIA-приложений и сайтов Web 2.0. Авторы рассматривают широкий круг вопросов: от основ Flex до использования визуальных компонентов, от работы с базами данных до рекомендаций по разработке приложений, от модульного тестирования до Abobe AIR. Каждый рецепт содержит решение стандартной проблемы, объясняет почему и как это решение работает. а также содержит примеры готового кода, которые читатель сможет сразу использовать в своих программах, что позволит быстро добиться практических результатов как опытным разработчикам Flex, так и новичкам, знакомящимся с этой технологией. Книга идеально подходит для тех, кто желает повысить эффективность разработки своих веб-приложений. В архиве находится программный код, используемой в данной книге.
ссылка на скачивание: http://depositfiles.com/files/ytkqjl4xx



название: Flex 3.4 Language Reference 
автор: Adobe Systems Incorporated 
год выпуска: 2009 
формат: HTML
размер файла: 15.5  МВhttp://flash.quadrobb.ru/i/blank.gif
описание: Справочние по Flex 3.4
ссылка на скачивание: http://depositfiles.com/files/i7jvomk5r



название: Flex 3. Bible 
автор: Gassner D 
год выпуска: 2008 
формат: pdf
страниц: 978 
размер файла: 18.6  МВ
описание: Flex 3 Bible
ссылка на скачивание: http://depositfiles.com/files/25bob7hy3



название: Adobe Flex 3.0 For Dummies 
автор: McCune D., Subramaniam D. 
год выпуска: 2008 
формат: pdf
страниц: 416 
размер файла: 4.2  МВ
описание: Most books about Flex are massive and assume that the reader has been programming since age 12. Adobe Flex 3.0 For Dummies, on the other hand, has been written specifically for the beginning Flex developer. If you have heard about Flex, but aren’t quite sure what all the buzz is about, this book is for you. We hope that our enthusiasm is contagious because we truly believe that Flex is the most exciting program a software developer can use.
ссылка на скачивание: http://depositfiles.com/files/xfwkmfsx3



название: Foundation Flex for Developers. Data-Driven Applications with PHP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, and LCDS 
автор: Sas Jacobs 
год выпуска: 2008 
формат: pdf
страниц: 545 
размер файла: 5.6  МВ
описание: Regardless of which type of application they’re building, developers usually have to carry out a range of common tasks: communicating information to a user, displaying pop-up windows, showing repeating information in a tabular or grid layout, providing forms to update an exter- nal data source, and so on. Many times, when learning a new programming language I’ve wanted a book that provided me with a set of building blocks showing me how to achieve one of these tasks. So I wanted to write one about the Flex framework that covered these common developer tasks and then brought the concepts together in a series of case studies. Welcome to this book. If you’ve picked up the book, you’re probably a designer or developer who has some experience with the Flex 2 or 3 framework. You’ve probably had some exposure to ActionScript 2.0 and are keen to learn more about ActionScript 3.0. With this book, you can take your skills to the next level. No book can cover everything, but here you’ll learn some of the more useful tools for Flex application development. Most impor- tantly, you’ll learn how to include external data within your Flex applications. I’ll focus particu- larly on XML documents and content from databases and show you how to add this information to your Flex interfaces. The book is purposely simple so you can get the basic concepts right. Each chapter covers a small topic, demonstrating, with some basic examples, how you might achieve specific tasks using Flex. It’s not until the second part of the book that we put these concepts together to cre- ate four complete applications. This book started as a book about Flex 2. During the writing process, Adobe announced the release of Flex 3, so I changed the focus halfway through. It was also interrupted by the birth of my son in June 2007, so it’s been a long road. I hope you enjoy reading this book and that you find it useful for demonstrating some of the complexities of Flex 3 and ActionScript 3.0. I find Flex to be a very powerful application devel- opment tool and I hope to share my excitement about it with you!
ссылка на скачивание: http://depositfiles.com/files/1fzoeea57



название: Foundation Flex for Designers 
автор: Goralski, LordAlex Leon 
год выпуска: 2008 
формат: pdf
страниц: 267 
размер файла: 8.2  МВ
описание: Welcome to Foundation Flex for Designers. When Adobe released Flex 1.0 in March 2004, a lot of designers and developers who were used to working in Flash viewed it with suspicion. Where was the timeline, what was MXML, and how was it useful for designers? With Flex 2, the answers to those questions became a little clearer, and more and more web developers started to pick up Flex. With the release of Flex 3, it’s clear that Flex is now the tool for rich Internet applica- tion (RIA) development. It’s easy for developers to pick up and rapidly create RIAs, and there’s now more customizability available for designers to sink their teeth into. This book deals with the designer issues of creating RIAs in Flex Builder 3. It covers such impor- tant issues as how to control the look and feel of an application through CSS and custom skins. It also shows how you can create these skins using the familiar tools of Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash, rather than having to struggle to learn a new interface. The book also explores using transitions and other effects to make applications more dynamic, visually interesting, and easier to navigate. Don’t worry, though—we’re not here to blind you with science and turn you into hard-core coders. You’ll have to be familiar with a little bit of code to get the most out of Flex, but we’re here to help, and we’ll make sure that all the code is supplied for you so you can get on with the design. If, however, you want to delve a little deeper into the code, there are parts of the book where you can do just that and learn how to add complex functionality to your designs. If you want to go further still, we’ll recommend the best places to get that information. We’re happy to have you along for this ride, and we hope you enjoy it and learn a lot from it. Flex isn’t just for programmers; it’s time for designers to take back RIAs, and show what that “R” really stands for. The Internet is not just about collecting data; it’s also about visual communica- tion and giving people a rich user experience, and that’s what designers do best.
ссылка на скачивание: http://depositfiles.com/files/m8nvh4lit



название: Flex 3 in Action 
автор: Tariq Ahmed, Jon Hirschi, Faisal Abid 
год выпуска: 2009 
формат: chm   
страниц: 576 
размер файла: 10.2  МВ
описание: New Web applications require engaging user-friendly interfaces-and the cooler, the better. With Flex 3, Web developers at any skill level can create high-quality, effective, and interactive Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) quickly and easily. Flex removes the complexity barrier from RIA development by offering sophisticated tools and a straightforward programming language so you can focus on what you want to do instead of how to do it. And now that the major components of Flex are free and open source, the cost barrier is gone, as well! Flex 3 in Action is an easy-to-follow, hands-on Flex tutorial. Chock full of examples, this book goes beyond feature coverage and helps you put Flex to work in real day-to-day tasks. You'll quickly master the Flex API and learn to apply the techniques that make your Flex applications stand out from the crowd. Interesting themes, styles, and skins? It's in there. Working with databases? You got it. Interactive forms and validation? You bet. Charting techniques to help you visualize data? Bam! The expert authors of Flex 3 in Action have one goal - to help you get down to business with Flex 3. Fast. Many Flex books are overwhelming to new users-focusing on the complexities of the language and the super-specialized subjects in the Flex eco-system; Flex 3 in Action filters out the noise and dives into on the core topics you need every day. Using numerous easy-to-understand examples, Flex 3 In Action gives you a strong foundation that you can build on as the compexity of your projects increases.
ссылка на скачивание: http://depositfiles.com/files/n2cwhccq8



название: Hello! Flex 4 
автор: Peter Armstrong 
год выпуска: 2010 
формат: pdf
страниц: 210 
размер файла: 3.7  МВ
описание: You can think of this book as a two- or three-day workshop, transcribed into book form—and much cheaper! The stick figure character is a stand-in for me teaching the workshop, and the cartoon characters are your class- mates. The questions they’ll ask or the opinions they express may be your own. I have two goals for this book: first, to teach Flex 4 in a way that exposes you to real-world Flex problems in an accessible way, and second, to have a bit of fun with this book, without being cutesy, distracting, or insulting. The purpose of the cartoons in this introductory section is to provide an amusing backstory; in the rest of the book I’ll use them to draw attention to important concepts
ссылка на скачивание: http://depositfiles.com/files/7036qdsce



название: AdvancED Flex Application Development. Building Rich Media X 
автор: R Blank, Hasan Otuome, Omar Gonzalez, Chris Charlton 
год выпуска: 2008 
формат: pdf
страниц: 491 
размер файла: 13.6  МВ
описание: The world of Internet applications is changing. Using Adobe Flex technologies, web applications look great, are accessible and portable, and can completely move the end-user experience well beyond the page response/request model popularized by HTML. Best of all, the Flash Player is the most widely distributed piece of software in the history of the Internet. Never in history has “the experience” been more important in terms of web applications. Using Adobe Flash/Flex technology, programmers can create state-of-the-art enterprise web applications that enable experiences unlike anything else on the Web. Numerous organizations throughout the world have discovered the benefits of Rich Internet Application technology to create better experi- ences for end users, which in turn leads to greater productivity and enhanced social interaction, a primary goal of sites like YouTube and MySpace. The Rich Media Exchange, the building of which is detailed in this book, uses Rich Internet Application technology to foster a greater sense of community among Adobe User Groups worldwide. Getting started with Flex can be simple; MXML tags are easy to learn and provide tremendous functionality right out of the box. Visual design mode and the host of components that ship with the product make building your first Flex applications straightforward. Taking this knowl- edge to the next level can be more difficult. ActionScript has a steeper learning curve, but expe- rienced developers can pick up the basics with relative ease. This book, unlike any other on the market, details the internal workings of a large and complex application that utilizes best prac- tices. You will see how a complex social networking site with a host of features, such as a calen- dar, communication among members, forums, and video, is made. This book shows you how a Flex application should and should not be built. Importantly, it will teach you when and how to utilize the existing Flex components and when to build your own. The application shows how to create code that is scalable, manageable, and reusable. This book offers the reader an unparalleled insight into a complicated Flex project with a num- ber of moving parts. Not only are Adobe Flex and the Flash Platform covered, but the book offers deep insight into the myriad details of planning, source control, documentation, and inte- grating with other technologies, including the server and Ajax. This comprehensive look into such a large Flash-based application provides a window unlike anything else available on the market. Most importantly, the book details firsthand how Rich Internet Application technology can enable organizations to better engage with end users and provide a great experience.
ссылка на скачивание: http://depositfiles.com/files/sn4438jzn



название: Enterprise Development with Flex 
автор: Yakov Fain, Victor Rasputnis, and Anatole Tartakovsky 
год выпуска: 2010 
формат: pdf
страниц: 656 
размер файла: 9.6  МВ
описание: This book is intended for Flex and Java application architects, team leaders, and senior developers who are interested in getting to know: • How the Flex framework works under the hood • The pros and cons of some of the third-party libraries • How to build reusable component libraries for their enterprises • How to select and improve (if need be) Flex-to-Java communication • What to watch for from a performance perspective • How to modularize the Flex RIA • Which design patterns to apply • How to select third-party frameworks This book will be very useful for Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) developers who are still not sure whether the Flex SDK is a good fit for their cross-platform RIAs. We are positive that after reading the first several chapters, you will appreciate the power and flexibility of the open source Flex SDK, third-party libraries, and their server-side tools. This is not an introductory book, and we assume that the reader already has some experience with developing Flex applications and a good understanding of object- oriented design principles.
ссылка на скачивание: http://depositfiles.com/files/3p3mna6pf


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